Welcome to the Hail Storm By Darol Hail

Your choice of routes-- A Cup Of Cold Water or vaguely obscure

If you want something that tries to be deeper go HERE.

Monday, February 28, 2005
Finally a posting for the month of Feb. Sweet. Ok head on over to CUP OF WATER to check it out. Thanks again and God bless you.

Friday, February 04, 2005
Yeah ok another change. I get confused by all of this so I will try to be brief. But if you know me that is nearly impossible. Ok so here is how we will work this...I will update this page to say that I have posted on cupofwater. There are two routes from this page..cupofwater which is the Bible study area and vaguely obscure which is where I used to try for humor. I have stayed away from vaguely obscure for no reason other than to try and concentrate on making my writing have little more meaning. but who knows maybe I will try brining it back one day as well. You can read archives from either if you so choose. Thanks and take care.


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